Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Tregear v Ropes Crossing, England v Australia

It was all of 14 deg C outside when i got up at 6.30. At 10.30 it was 24 deg and now it's 27 deg. A lovely day.

And the start of the Sydney to Hobart was wonderful. It's the "Ashes on water" - England versus Australia. Wild Oats versus City Index Leopard. Way to go, it always makes for good watching when it's England versus Australia.

All quiet here - a bit of partying yesterday arvo up the road. Quiet night.

Oh yeah, then there's the stoush about the development at the new burb next door, Ropes Crossing. Not that the suburb was wanted by the rest of us anyway, but on the front page of the St Marys Mt Druitt Star for Dec 18, 2007 is:

residents feel misled with grave fears that Ropes Crossing will become unsafe. They fear it will attract patrons from surrounding low socio-economic suburbs and bring violence, crime and other anitsocial behaviour into the estate

Um. So much is wrong with that. I note they didn't say who actually said it. I don't think they should own up. I'd like to know why people with attitudes like this moved in next door to the cheapest suburb in the greater Sydney region? Ok, we compete with Shalvey to be the cheapest. You can always move out again lovey. I don't think we'd like people from our suburb to be in there with you and yours anyway. They might pick up bad behaviour and foul attitudes. I think you would be a bad influence and I'd rather keep all our children away from you. And since when was Ropes Crossing an 'estate'? It's a suburb. Get over it.

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