Sunday, October 5, 2008

Welcome to Typical Sydney Weather!

Here we go, cycling like crazy. Get up to an insanely hot day then it breaks, storms or just rains, stays cloudy for a day or two and works its way back up to insanely hot again. Typical spring and summer. Mind you, when they said on the news the other day that it was the hottest day in a year I was surprised, it didn't feel that hot out here. Might have been the hottest for those who live on the coast, with the sea breezes that keep the temperature tempered, but out here I didn't even turn the air con on and I know I needed it last summer. It was hot, yes, but the fan was enough. And not hot enough to stop me sleeping. Unless, there's a weird thought, I'm not adapting to the heat out here am I? After all these years? Nooooo. More likely their coverage of the temperature doesn't cover what happens in Tregear! Although I am so use to it that I almost never check the thermometer any more. I've checked once and only because it was way cooler outside than inside first thing in the morning after one of our hot days, and it's too obvious that, even with the windows locked open so the air can get in, this house holds too much heat - it was 5 degrees hotter inside!

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