Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Back to work

I'm not going to be as aware of what's happening in our suburb except for evenings, I'm no longer on holidays. Back to work today. Culture shock! I'm glad to say I actually managed to not sleep and therefore I got out of the house and to work more or less on time. Of course CityRail stuffed up and I got to work 15 minutes later than I should have, but it was still ok. And I remembered my password for my work computer!!

I'm told it's been hot out here today and only started cooling down this evening. It still felt muggy and warm getting off the train but it wasn't too bad. A cold dinner, some internet, some tv, and then sleep early enough to go to work tomorrow..... they really should pay me to stay home, I'd rather be hanging here any day, and I'd be really good at it! But they don't pay me for that so it's back to the big smoke each day.

I'll be away on the weekend so someone will be posting.


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