Monday, January 14, 2008


It's all of 20 dec C out there today. Still very cloudy and wet and cool. It would have been interesting to look at the rain radar to see what the storms yesterday were looking like, but really, I wasn't about to plug this computer in while that was going on! That would be a recipe for disaster. No tv either (and did everyone remember to unplug your aerial as well?) so there was a lot of lounging around and reading.

I was out the front doing some garden work when it was sprinkling. It was the first time it's been cool enough to do anything out there for a while. Got quite a bit of pruning done. Then it started thundering again and I scuttled back inside quick smart.

I'll be checking the dam levels again on Thursday when they post them. It will be interesting to see how they are going after all this and I swear it was over the catchment area as well.

No damage close by. The wind was so strong I'm surprised there wasn't.

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