You know what happens when you go back to work after having 5 weeks off? You end up with brain fatigue! I can't believe how tired my brain is! I haven't done this much thinking for 5 weeks! Done some of course, I have projects, I'm doing my family history and I've done work on that and because I had time I got stuck into the really complicated part, but I haven't had to do this much thinking for so many hours in a day for (yes, again) five weeks. I keep losing track of what I'm saying in conversations and having to backtrack, and my brain has turned all foggy! I think my brain has gone on strike actually. Had enough of all this. And I can't type, I've had to correct so much of this entry! I want to go on holidays again to recover from going back to work!
I'm told it got up to 38 deg C today but I didn't feel it - I was in the cbd in air con. It was cloudy and sprinkling by the time I got home.
The bit Tregear event was another helicopter flying low, slow and loud. I guess they're chasing someone again. The one problem with living across from the reserve is that all the ones running away from police head for the reserve because it's the only piece of scrub around here.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Brain fatigue
Posted by
9:00 PM
Labels: brain fatigue, helicopter, hot
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Back to work
I'm not going to be as aware of what's happening in our suburb except for evenings, I'm no longer on holidays. Back to work today. Culture shock! I'm glad to say I actually managed to not sleep and therefore I got out of the house and to work more or less on time. Of course CityRail stuffed up and I got to work 15 minutes later than I should have, but it was still ok. And I remembered my password for my work computer!!
I'm told it's been hot out here today and only started cooling down this evening. It still felt muggy and warm getting off the train but it wasn't too bad. A cold dinner, some internet, some tv, and then sleep early enough to go to work tomorrow..... they really should pay me to stay home, I'd rather be hanging here any day, and I'd be really good at it! But they don't pay me for that so it's back to the big smoke each day.
I'll be away on the weekend so someone will be posting.
Posted by
7:48 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Happy Survival Day
A warm day today. Warm enough to put the air con on when the sun hit the loungeroom in the arvo.
And to those who are into such things: Happy Australia Day, or Happy Survival Day.
Now. The day before yesterday, after I'd done my last post, I was told by someone who saw as drove up, that there were about 7 police at a house just down the road. There you go, something happened.
And those dirt bikes and the motorised pushbikes have been around and not just in the reserve. Although the ones in the reserve haven't had children on them lately, the ones on the roads are so much louder!
Posted by
9:01 PM
Labels: Australia Day, dirt bikes, police, Survival Day
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Cool, hot, cool and mowed reserve.
The weather has mostly been quite cool, except for today - the sun came out again and it got uncomfortable hot, but before it could get really bad the clouds came back!
They mowed the reserve today! It looks so different out there. I like it when the grass is long, it's a paddock then instead of a suburban reserve. It does have to be done because otherwise, when the grass dries out, the pyromaniacs burn it.
I saw a letter in one of the local papers today complaining about the entertainment development in Ropes Crossing again. They didn't complain about the surrounding suburbs this time.
Posted by
5:12 PM
Labels: changeable weather, mowing.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Cool fireworks?
Well, so much for the hot weather! It's back to clouds, rain, cool breezes! It was all of 22 deg C at 8.30 this morning.
Now, what's been happening in Tregear? Hmm. Someone let off fireworks last night. I didn't go outside to see them. It wasn't very late... nah, I can't think of anything else.
Posted by
9:55 AM
Labels: cool weather, fireworks
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Hot and dirt bikes
For the first time in a week it's hot. It's 36 deg C on my front porch. I actually have the air con on. On the good side all the washing is done and dry and the whole suburb no longer smells mouldy!
Yesterday there were people playing with a dirt bike in the reserve - they were having a ball, screeching and squealing, but you'd have to wonder what would happen if the adult, who was carrying 2 children at the same time, hit a rock. Or a hole. Not like there aren't any over there. Could have ended up with people screeching and screaming instead...
Posted by
5:39 PM
Labels: daft, dirt bikes, hot
Friday, January 18, 2008
Cool, damp
The last two days have been very cool and damp. It was 18 dec C this morning when I checked about 8.30 am.
There's a mower going just up the road, I reckon they think it's a good day, nice and cool, even though it's damp. They probably think they should mow quickly before it starts raining again! I should be out there mowing the front yard ..... but I'm not.
Warragamba is up to 56.1%. The storage reports are published weekly here:
Posted by
11:28 AM
Labels: cool weather, dam storage, damp
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Quiet and cool
Yesterday and today both cool. Maximum 30 dec C yesterday at it's hottest and so far just 23. The sun looks as if it might break out. That will be the end of the cool!
What can I say? Very quiet in my part of Tregear. How is it in your part?
Posted by
9:45 AM
Labels: cool weather, quiet
Monday, January 14, 2008
It's all of 20 dec C out there today. Still very cloudy and wet and cool. It would have been interesting to look at the rain radar to see what the storms yesterday were looking like, but really, I wasn't about to plug this computer in while that was going on! That would be a recipe for disaster. No tv either (and did everyone remember to unplug your aerial as well?) so there was a lot of lounging around and reading.
I was out the front doing some garden work when it was sprinkling. It was the first time it's been cool enough to do anything out there for a while. Got quite a bit of pruning done. Then it started thundering again and I scuttled back inside quick smart.
I'll be checking the dam levels again on Thursday when they post them. It will be interesting to see how they are going after all this and I swear it was over the catchment area as well.
No damage close by. The wind was so strong I'm surprised there wasn't.
Posted by
9:44 AM
Labels: lightening, rain, storm, thunder
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Softball, kids on bikes and domestics
Yesterday the weather started out hot and sunny but then the clouds came over. Thank goodness! We went off to watch the state finals of the softball at Rooty Hill and it had cooled down enough to be reasonable by the time we got there. NSW won in wonderful ways, Stacey, the captain got across the home plate twice. She was the only one who did.
Today it's 28 deg C on my front porch right now and the sky is almost clear blue. It's going to be hot again.
2 things!
Well, the first wasn't actually in Tregear but it was just around the corner on Luxford. A young boy somewhere between 10 and 12, was riding his bike on the road. And doing a really bad job! He was very awkward and I'm wondering if he could actually ride properly! 2 of us in the car and we were about to yell at him to get off the road, when he did something even sillier - he actually dropped his bike on the road and made to walk back to the footpath! Seems he saw someone he knew. He jumped when he had 2 people yelling from our car and at the same time he was yelled at by the girls on the footpath! Now that is a kid who had parents who have no idea of his behaviour when he's out on his bike! He's too young, and he doesn't have enough common sense to be responsible for his bike let alone his life. Take the bike off him.
And last night there was a fight up on Nella Dan. We think. We could hear it but not see it. We could only hear it when we were outside. I think it had been going on for a while and I wonder that no one had called the police. Maybe they did - I couldn't here anything once I was inside.
Posted by
7:27 AM
Labels: domestics, fight, kids on bikes, noise, Softball
Friday, January 11, 2008
Hot and quiet
This afternoon it's 38 deg C on the porch. And the sun wasn't even on the thermometer! With the aircon on inside it's about 27.
I think it's just too hot for anyone to be out and about!
Posted by
5:52 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
The clouds went away... It's 30 deg C inside this arvo. The air con went on! I'm not looking at what the thermometer is doing on the porch. The sun is on it now.
The only other thing to report is a car with thumping music went past last night. After I'd gone to sleep. Didn't like that.....
ps, check out the new additions: on the right is a Rollyo search engine. Make sure Tregear is chosen from the drop down list and then type in Tregear as well to see what you get. Further down is another map from Wayfarer with tags, routes and notes. The routes don't show up properly here...
Posted by
6:36 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Still cloudy
I didn't look at the thermometer first thing this morning. It's 26 deg C now. Still very cloudy. Hasn't rained.
There was a kid crying. A car blocked my driveway for a couple of minutes - driver had stopped to talk on the phone. Quite responsible really! I can hear that a few of the cars driving past are speeding. I really can't think of anything else, Tregear is quiet...
Posted by
12:15 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
I'm back!
And this morning it's 22 deg C! Full cloud cover. All very pleasant so far.
Wow! Someone else found the blog and actually did the poll thing! I don't care if you said no to liking Tregear, thanks for doing it!
Now, let me see. I think someone walking past broke a bottle on the road after I'd gone to sleep last night. It woke me up and I got up to have a look, but there wasn't anyone in sight and I don't know where the bottle was.
I'm glad to be back, I like my home.
Posted by
9:49 AM
Labels: broken bottle, poll
Sunday, January 6, 2008
It's about here today, was thinking of mowing this morning when it was only 22, not doing it now for nothing. Very quiet here again, maybe everyones away or maybe the heats done them in, or liek me they're inside in air con comfort.
Went out and did some shopping got a case of mangoes for $5. Pick up my partners daughter house, she cut her dogs nails and then we went and got some fly ointments for her dogs ear. On the way home we stopped at the local club and had chips with gravy and both got a jackpot on the pokies. She won 29.74 i won 20.75 not a lot but we won money. You leave when you win.
She's back at here place with a fan and I'm here with air con, she likes the heat though.
Posted by
4:00 PM
Saturday, January 5, 2008
It's very quiet here today not even kids riding there bikes. Rain never bothered me as a child I loved it. But i was a country kid and rain was to be rejoiced. It's 26c here very nice.
Posted by
2:59 PM
Friday, January 4, 2008
cool day = mowing
it started out cool today 24c at 10.30am so i mowed. It's the only time i mow, which can means the grass gets a bit long over summer. It did make it to 32c but i'd finished by then. It's cooled down again maybe 28c. I have a friend over for dinner and were going to have salt and pepper tofu and vegies. yum. home made too. even better.
All is quiet on the western front.
Posted by
5:41 PM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Not to hot at all here today, nice change. Fingers crossed that it stays that way, the last few days have heated up in the early afternoon. It's very quiet here. At around 5.30 this morning there were lots of birds chirping they woke me up a bit earlier than i like, nice sound but I would have liked to sleep a bit longer.
Posted by
11:28 AM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
The day after New Year
20 deg C out there this morning.
Missed a day again! Could be something to do with being tired after NYE noise. But it was NYE so it was to be expected. It is amazing though how many people can get hold of fireworks when they're not supposed to be available and even if you do manage to get them from somewhere else you aren't suppose to be able to get a licence to let them off. Oh well, I like fireworks and I didn't here any sirens so I suppose no one burnt down their house.
There was loud partying up the back, but not loud enough to keep me awake. I don't know how their more immediate neighbors felt about it. I actually went to sleep before midnight, woke again just before midnight and put the tele on to watch the fireworks. Pretty! And even the television coverage was ok. I think they're getting better at it. The coverage from above was too distant so maybe they need better cameras if they can't get in closer.
Understandably I didn't do much yesterday. I was sleepy. Went around to my daughters place to let her dogs out. We always keep our dogs in for NYE so they don't panic and Fiona was spending NYE with a friend up the coast. Went for a little drive. Came back and watched movies and read books. Did a miniscule amount of domestic activity. Went back to watching movies and reading books.
It certainly got hot enough yesterday. Didn't look at the thermometer at the days hottest and it looks like today is going to be the same. Summer found us! Thank goodness we're still having cool nights.