Sunday, February 1, 2009


This pic wasn't straight forward either. I was surrounded by dragonflies the whole time I was down by the creek, but they move too fast. No way I was getting a pic. Then when I was walking away I saw a flash of redfly pst me and land on the ground about 3 metres away. I couldn't see it on the ground but I knew it hadn't moved so I just stood still, zoomed my camera as far as it would go, pointed where I knew it stopped and snapped on auto. It was only when I got the pic onto the computer that I saw the dragon fly. Cropped the pic, sharpened (even on auto the focus wasn't very good at all), and here for your enjoyment is one of the many draganflies from Ropes Creek.

I've never seen them with their wings forward like that. Because I couldn't actually see it I don't know if it was moving it's wings and that's where the camera caught it, or if it was simply sitting with it's wings down.

ps, Hello Cathi!

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