Sunday, August 24, 2008

Frost and private roads.

Of course the frost is back. What else would we expect? It's still August so the frost is back. The rain the last few days has been light and pleasant. But the frost is back.

Has anyone else noticed the road into Ropes Crossing from the roundabout on Forrester has two signs on it? The first is the name of the road, Ropes Crossing Bvd and the second is "Private Road". Private Road??? It was a private road before the suburb was made, it just lead into an industrial area. On the older street directory it's marked as an unnamed private road. It does make me wonder if they accidentally on purpose forget to remove the old sign when they put the road name sign up.... I might send an email to RTA. If I get down there with a camera with me I'll take a photo. I've been trying to remember to do that for days since it was pointed out to me.....

1 comment:

May Ann said...

Hi guys,

May is my name - Community Coordinator at Ropes Crossing. This is an AWESOME site. More power to you and all who make this website possible. Just thought i should shed some light with regards to the blog posted on the 24 August. YES you are indeed correct we have 2 signs up. "private rd" and "Ropes Crossing Boulevard". Reason behind this is the road is still currently a privately owned as it has not yet been handed over to Council. Once Council has adopted the road the private rd sign will come down.

Should you require more information please do not hesitate to contact me on 9673 8848.

May Ann Agagas