Ducks in the reserve heading towards Debrincat. They were quite a long way off so this was the best I could get without totally freaking them out.And those mornings when I'm up way too early playing on the net this is what I see out my back window.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Posted by
11:43 AM
Labels: ducks
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Reserve
A fair bit of rain today and yesterday even if it isn't very heavy. Good for the new plantings. I've been meaning to get back down to the reserve to find out if they are still ok but I haven't had time. I start work late today so maybe I'll have a look before I catch the train.
I saw a small truck with a crane driving through the reserve a couple of days ago - he was picking up dumped cars. Good move, doesn't happen quite often enough, but good move.
Posted by
6:01 AM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Welcoming! "We might ask if we can take your photos"..."Only if I can take yours".
Gorgeous-and-knows-it kept us company all morning.
These are 3 of the staff from Blacktown Council and our nearly finished planted area.
Putting the display back up again after the wind blew it down.
Newly planted. Good luck for you future.
Posted by
9:20 AM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Native Geraniums
Geranium homeanum. Only about a cm across, sweet as. Identification thanks to the Botanic Gardens, and they have a great pic on the interesting way the seed pods open:
Yes it's Geranium, not Pelargonium. I've named the pics wrong, and maybe I'll fix that one day, but not this morning! Don't pull these out of the reserve.
ps, this came in the mail.
"Tregear Reserve Community Bushcare and Regenesis Tree Planting Day. RSVP Thursday 13 November, 2008 on 9839 6283" (yeah, I know that's today - I forgot until just now). Meeting in Tregear Reserve, Wilkes Cres, Tregear (Behind the softball fields) 15th November, 9am-12. Council staff will be there to talk about the new group, provide a tour of the reserve and carryout a community planting. They will provide all tools, materials, supervision, technical advice, and light refreshments. Wear enclosed shoes, a hat and sunscreen.
Have a good one..
Posted by
6:22 AM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Did you hear 3 booms yesterday morning? Early? This is the cause. The car was removed during the day, gone by the time I got home, but I managed to get these pics before I went to work.
Posted by
7:18 PM
Labels: dumped car, noisy car
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Public Transport
Did you know they are thinking of changing the bus routes all through the western suburbs? If you ever catch a bus you should check it out and see how the proposed changes will affect your ability to get around. I don't know if it's going to work or not. I know there's going to be less buses past my place. Go here: to check it out if you haven't got your hands on a leaflet and they have a survey you can do so you can give your opinions. I'm totally cynical, I don't expect improvements, I expect more difficulties getting around. I don't drive so I'm stuck with public transport and I am totally sick of the whole system, public, private, trains, buses, how late and unreliable they all run, how expensive it all is, how the trains are far too crowded.
If I could get a job close enough to home so that I didn't need buses or trains (and would still give me a liveable wage) I'd go for it. I could ride my bike to St Marys, and with a bit of practice I could get to Mt Druitt and back each day. Of course I'd end up incredibly fit as well.... but I would be such a write off for a few weeks until I got use to it!
More pics soon.
Posted by
8:41 PM
Labels: buses, public transport, trains
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Flowers this time.
When I first saw this I was very excited, I'd never seen it before and I was hoping it was a native plant. I saw it first about 5 years ago but I didn't have a camera with me. I couldn't find any info about it and I obviously haven't been in the reserve at the right time since. So, it's Herbertia lahue subsp. caerulea, also known as Prairie Nymph. It's an Iris, introduced, naturalised, mild weed. Very pretty though. It comes from North America. There are other pics on the net but this is the only pic I've seen with the yellow markings, so maybe we have an interesting colour variation. Seeing as it isn't a native plant it doesn't matter if some are taken out of the reserve. I'd like to see what this pretty would do with a bit of water and fertiliser. And thanks to the Botanical Information Service on the Royal Botanic Gardens site for the confirmation of the id.
Posted by
6:30 AM
Labels: Herbertia, iris, Royal Botanic Gardens, weed
Sunday, November 2, 2008
With the very large close up I have you can see clearly the green on top is moss. This fungus sort of fits into this area nicely: looks worn out, interesting shapes and colours, provides a home for other species and still growing and thriving!
Posted by
8:03 AM