All sympathy for the people who owned the puppy that was killed. I can't begin to imagine how bad that felt.
To the person who killed the puppy - you should leave. You should just go. What happened? Puppy bark at you? Scare you? Maybe you just didn't like the people and thought you'd take it out on the puppy. You are so out of touch with your humanity that you think that's ok. There's a word for people who are so dysfunctional they can't feel even a basic connection with other human beings - psychopath isn't it? Go away.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Poor puppy
Posted by
7:32 AM
Labels: psychopath, puppy
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Truck crash
I saw the truck crash on Forrester Road the other day. The funny thing is that it got onto tv news once and then dissappeared. It was pushed off the news quickly by the story of the police chase where someone shot at the police, but it doesn't appear on the net anywhere either. It isn't even on the news section of the police site and the last crash down there was on their site within hours of it happening. The local papers that have been delivered haven't covered it either.
It looked as if the two trucks were driving towards each other and have clipped each other on the front edge. I couldn't get close enough to see what the damage was but one of the trucks ended up on it's left side and went through the guard rail just before the bridge over Ropes Creek and got very close to going over the bank into the creek. The guard rail is still trashed. Forrester road was blocked for some hours.
Posted by
7:08 PM
Labels: trucks
Monday, May 5, 2008
Took this with my camera phone from the bus. It's worked out much better than I thought. Just imagine how good it could have been if I'd had the proper camera instead of a phone, if I wasn't on a moving bus, and if the bus windows weren't grotty!
Posted by
8:37 PM
Labels: fog
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Getting cold in the mornings and warming up so quickly. I need a padded jacket and scarf to get out of the house to go to work, but by the time I get down to the station I have to take the scarf off. The jacket comes off at work and by the time I go outside for morning tea or lunch I don't need the jacket at all. Yesterday I knocked off just after 6 and didn't need the jacket for at least a half hour. This is tasting winter. Nearly time to put the timer on the heater so it comes on before I get up. Already time for my slippers and soft wooly shawl in the morning.
Posted by
7:37 AM