It was 20 deg C at about 6.40 this morning. There's a light breeze and just a few clouds.
I did hear some loud music and partying down the road last night. About 8pm. I don't know how long it went for and if they ended up annoying their neighbors. I couldn't hear it when I came inside.
I also heard a dirt bike in the reserve yesterday. It wasn't so close that the noise was a problem. When I walk over there I've never had a dirt biker hassle me. When they see me coming they usually take alternate paths to avoid me. Horribly polite. I do worry about them though, I've heard of 3 over the years who have died over there. They are often unlicensed and often act a bit stupid.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Posted by
8:52 AM
Labels: dirt bikes, party noise
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Catching up
Missed yesterday! Every time I thought of it I was away from the computer. So recapping: Yesterday started at 20 deg C at about 7.30 and ended up getting very hot. In the arvo when the sun hit my front porch and the sun was actually sitting on the thermometer it was 46! Of course when I brought it inside it dropped down very quickly to about 32. Does make me wonder about the sun directly on skin ... One of my computers froze when I was playing a game. The room got too hot. I was in the smallest room without a window open or a decent fan. The rest of the house wasn't that hot. Just turned it off. The computer will probably want to do a scan when I restart it again today, it will be fine but I bet my game didn't save.
I did here a car with a subwoofer booming past at one stage but it wasn't late and the show off kept going. Fine by me. Had a chat with the neighbors son, he's about 9 or 10, he was off to visit a friend. And there was a dog that was banging against a fence and barking....
Today it's about 18 deg C at about 6.30, blue sky, probably hot again. The birds are wonderfully talkative. There was a mist across the reserve. Very attractive.
Put together day by day like this Tregear sounds pretty good doesn't it? There are problems here sometimes and when they happen I'll write about them but having a day by day account keeps it in perspective.
Posted by
7:56 AM
Labels: dog barking, hot days, subwoofer show off
Friday, December 28, 2007
Ashes on water
Well Wild Oats has just won the Sydney to Hobart for the third year in a row, only the second boat to do it. The last time that happened was 1946, 7, 8 by Morna. ABC news online was the first to put the news up that I could see. They put up a piece saying Wild Oats had about an hour to go, but then no one else covered it! Channel 7, supposedly covering the race, didn't even put up a news update. Channel 10 managed an update saying Wild Oats was about to win and then nothing since. The yacht tracker was way behind. Rolex Sydney to Hobart site itself only managed to the article up about a quater of an hour after. Can't believe it all. Clearly, no one covering this race enjoys it as much as I do. If you wanted to actually see the winning yacht win you'd have to be on the dock! Certainly took some of the fun out of it.
Closer to home, Tregear was 21 deg C when I woke up about 7.40am this morning. Decidedly warm. Lovely. There was a loud noise yesterday that could have been someone in distress, when I went out to investigate it was kids playing. Very loudly as only kids can be. I also heard kids laughing ....
Posted by
10:50 AM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
More on Ropes Crossing controversy
Ah, another paper has covered the controversy: The Western Weekender for Dec. 4 2007 has this
Joe Jasinski, who has lived at Ropes Crossing for a little over a year, said ... “Nobody was ever told there was a proposal for a tavern, club or pub as part of Ropes Crossing. The main concern from residents is the location of the tavern given the suburbs that bound the community, some of which do not have a great social reputation.”Ah, Joe, that was silly. You moved into this area, you don't like it you can move out again. With attitudes like yours I wouldn't like any of our kids to be near you.
Oh, wait a minute, what a lovely extra piece to find:
more than 40 students from St Marys North Public School and Tregear Public School will help rejuvenate a pocket of Ropes Crossing which will eventually become a nature reserve.
Hmmm. Lovely of our kids to help out.
Posted by
11:23 AM
Another quiet day in a 'rough' suburb
It was just over 19 deg C this morning. Very comfortable on my front porch.
I went to see Golden Compass yesterday. Can't work out what the fuss is all about. It's a lovely movie.
There were some kids in the reserve with push bikes yesterday yelling ....
I don't have anything else to say.
Such a rough suburb.
Posted by
8:07 AM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tregear v Ropes Crossing, England v Australia
It was all of 14 deg C outside when i got up at 6.30. At 10.30 it was 24 deg and now it's 27 deg. A lovely day.
And the start of the Sydney to Hobart was wonderful. It's the "Ashes on water" - England versus Australia. Wild Oats versus City Index Leopard. Way to go, it always makes for good watching when it's England versus Australia.
All quiet here - a bit of partying yesterday arvo up the road. Quiet night.
Oh yeah, then there's the stoush about the development at the new burb next door, Ropes Crossing. Not that the suburb was wanted by the rest of us anyway, but on the front page of the St Marys Mt Druitt Star for Dec 18, 2007 is:
residents feel misled with grave fears that Ropes Crossing will become unsafe. They fear it will attract patrons from surrounding low socio-economic suburbs and bring violence, crime and other anitsocial behaviour into the estate
Um. So much is wrong with that. I note they didn't say who actually said it. I don't think they should own up. I'd like to know why people with attitudes like this moved in next door to the cheapest suburb in the greater Sydney region? Ok, we compete with Shalvey to be the cheapest. You can always move out again lovey. I don't think we'd like people from our suburb to be in there with you and yours anyway. They might pick up bad behaviour and foul attitudes. I think you would be a bad influence and I'd rather keep all our children away from you. And since when was Ropes Crossing an 'estate'? It's a suburb. Get over it.
Posted by
1:41 PM
Labels: ashes on water, city index leopard, low socio-economic suburbs, racing, ropes crossing, sydney to hobart, wild oats, yachts
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Xmas in Tregear
Gee! It was barely 16 deg C at 7am this morning! And cloudy.
Merry Xmas for those of you who are into it.
The noisiest thing around here this morning was the birds! Even the kids are quiet!
Posted by
10:20 AM
Labels: cold xmas, quiet, tregear xmas
Monday, December 24, 2007
Surreal Tregear
I just saw the Tregear Xmas parade ... Santas on tow trucks. And in station wagons.
Just had to write that down.
The temp reached 30 deg C on my front porch. Almost feels like summer.
Posted by
8:26 PM
Labels: santa, station wagons, surreal, tow trucks, tregear xmas
Quiet suburb.
All of 18 deg C out there this morning. Even with the sun out it didn't get very hot yesterday, only in the mid twenties I think. Cloudy again today with bits of blue sky. Is anyone feeling summer yet???
During the day it's been lovely at my end of Tregear. Kids laughing and playing up the back. Lots of mowers. Not mine tho it should have been. Kids on bikes on the footpath playing out the front of my house. I worry when they start hanging off the footpath tree, but kids will be kids. There was loud distressed yelling at one stage yesterday, just distant enough that I couldn't work out what it was about. We were about to drive out anyway so we drove up in that direction - found the yeller - a teenage girl, not being beaten up, not beating up. A bit upset about something and very loud. Enjoying an audience of younger kids I think.
I dunno, it's all so quiet at my end of the burb.
Oh wait a minute! We may have seen a drug deal taking place on Ellsworth Drive yesterday. There's some drama for you! The only reason we thought that was coz one of the women looked around her before taking something out of her bag to give to the other. Of course she might have just been being careful there wasn't anyone close by to grab her purse ..... I mean, we know drug deals happen. They also happen in all other suburbs.
Posted by
8:25 AM
Labels: attention seeking, bikes, drug deals, girl, kids, playing, quiet suburb, trees, yelling
Sunday, December 23, 2007
The Other Fiona
A fraction over 15 deg C. This is what happens when the clouds clear! Yesterday turned out mugglily warm but then the cluds went away in the evening and without their insulation the temp dropped! The clouds are still gone so I'm really interested to see what the weather does today.
Too interested in the weather? Maybe I have no life?? Nah. We went to see Fiona O'Laughlin at the Opera House after tapas and gourmet pizza for dinner last night. I have a life. It was a lot of fun. I think Fiona O either has a terrible relationship with her mother (she features in her comedy routine a lot!) or she has a fantastic relationship with a very understanding mother who doesn't worry about being talked about like that! I don't know which it is! I told my Fiona that if she ever talked about me like that on stage I'd walk up there and smack her! But it was funny.
This will be the first day mainly in the suburb for a while. No work, no play planned. Lets see how this suburb is in daytime.
Posted by
7:39 AM
Labels: Fiona O'Laughlin, Opera House
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saturday, hols & solstice
About 24 deg C and very grey. Everything is rather wet. I think it may have rained in the night.
I'm on holidays. Very happy about that too.
Happy Summer Soltice! Longest day of the year, tho you'd have trouble believing it...... With all this cloud it seems to get dark earlier than it really is.
Posted by
8:42 AM
Labels: holidays, summer solstice
Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday & Holidays
Just a fraction over 20 deg C. Maybe the weather, while still not summer, is actually getting warmer. Very grey today. Very quiet too.
I saw the paper copy of the article about Terry Johnson. It had a nice photo with it too. Pity it isn't on the electronic paper as well.
Last day at work for a while, finally having some holidays. I also may be out of Tregear for a little while which means I won't be able to post here about Tregear. If anyone else wants to post let me know by email, see my address top right?
Posted by
6:33 AM
Labels: holidays, Terry Johnson, tregear weather
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thursday, Fiona and Terry
It's a smooth 20 deg C today. Still very grey.
Of course it's a special day in Tregear - it's Fionas birthday! She's about to come round here to get her pressis so I'll have to get off this computer shortly. Fiona is my daughter and also lives in Tregear. I like her birthday, we both get excited and I always take a day off work.
So if any other Tregear people, working or living here, spots this blog let me know your birthday and I'll post a happy birthday for you.
Tregear got in the news again, congratulations Terry Johnson from up at the school. The article should stay on the list of news items for a few days until it gets bumped off. Terry was presented with a Director-General's award for Excellent Service to Public Education and Training. Cool bananas (as Fiona has taught me to say).
Posted by
6:45 AM
Labels: awards, birthday, clouds, Terry Johnson
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
17 deg C today
So, yesterday didn't end up getting hot. It just clouded over before the heat had a chance to build up. Today it's cloudy again, but there's a little bit of sun poking through.
You know, on years where this time of year is stinking hot I wouldn't be half so interested in the weather, but because it's so cool I've become fascinated with when the heat is going to hit again!
A very quiet morning again. Funny that - it's suppose to be such a rough area. Someone did bip their car horn for one of the neighbors ....
Oh yeah, last night on the way back from St Marys station, there were 3 of us in the car, as we turned into Ellsworth a kid on a bike decides to turn circles on the pedestrian crossing. In front of oncoming traffic - us - and the driver had to brake to avoid him. He was about 13 I suppose. He had 3 people yelling at him at the same time. If I can figure out where he lives - Tregear is only a small suburb - I'll make sure his parents know how he rides and if they are parents who care about their kids they'll confiscate the bike.
I know teenagers act like idiots. I was one once. But if he's showing that much idiocy he hasn't got the judgement necessary to ride a bike on the roads.
Posted by
6:37 AM
Labels: car horns, cool weather
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Just barely 16 dec C. The sun is out and there isn't a cloud in sight of my window. I'll have to get someone to check just how hot it gets during the day. Will it stay hot all day or will it break again by evening?
A couple of drivers just screamed past going at incredible speeds. Didn't see them this time, just heard them. You'd never dream this was a 50 zone. Putting in the roundabouts didn't do much to slow down the drivers on this stretch...
Posted by
6:59 AM
Labels: speeding., tregear weather
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday morning.
17 deg C on my front porch. Very cool. Mostly clouds, a little bit of blue sky peeking through. It could clear. If it does it will get hot again. Yesterday was muggy and warm. On the 20th last year we went to Katoomba and there was actually thick fog. The weather is so cool I reckon it could happen again. Cool thick fog in December.
Recycling garbo is just coming up the road. Regular garbo woke me up earlier. The birds also woke me but listening to them always puts me back to sleep. Everything else is quiet. There may have been the usual hoons driving past this morning but over the years I've got so use to them I often don't notice. Didn't notice this morning.
I have to finish getting ready for work.
Posted by
6:39 AM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Introducing Tregear
What do you think of this weather? I like it, but that's because I don't like too much heat. Yes, and I moved into Tregear! It was a toss up between good weather and money and Tregear is cheaper.
So, cloudy, damp, very very green. 23 deg C on my front porch. Perfect. Too damp for the pyros to burn off the grass in the reserve. Yay! Quiet Sunday morning. Lovely to be here today.
Except I'll have to mow the grass....................
What do you think of Tregear? Got something to say? Add comments. If you want to actually contribute posts let me know and I'll add you to the list. (only me at the moment). Don't bother with insults or other crap because I'll just delete them. Real criticism is ok, but what's better is what you like here.
Posted by
8:17 AM